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Learning Emotions

Mar 12, 2020

My heart almost exploded!! Have you ever felt like that?

 ...No not for real, but it could have. My heart was filled with happiness because one of my clients who is an educator, shared our meditation with her students in the classroom, and I'm happy to say…. the kids LOVED it!! Now that's what I call a ripple effect!


This is something we have been implementing in our coaching sessions and it got me thinking… What if we were all given the tools to learn how to deal with our emotions in a healthy way, back when we were children? Think of the difference it would make! I know my life would have been a lot less stressful if only I knew how to manage the emotions I was feeling.


I know I'm not alone, there are many of us out there that can relate in their own way. I was back and forth in a toxic relationship for years because I could not face the pain I was enduring. Why do we put ourselves through such misery? If only I had understood the emotions I was feeling.


Learning how to understand and manage the emotions I'm feeling has been such a gift. I never knew how disconnected my emotions were from my senses. Our emotions are created within our mind but our body is the one that feels it. If we can use our mind to decide how we feel, then why do we let ourselves feel so sad, lonely, anxious, paranoid, annoyed or angry? It's ironic, because more negative emotions than positive ones come to mind. Let's change this, together!


This concept of using our minds to translate emotions to our bodies has been really eye-opening and beneficial to my life. How do we understand our emotions, you ask? That's a great question! With awareness, meditation and practice you will become in sync with your mind and present within your body. 


The first step is to recognize and take notice of what thoughts are coming into your mind on a daily, hourly, and minute by minute basis. A good practice would be to take a deep breath through your nose, into your chest and fill up your belly, then exhale and repeat. While doing this a few times over, take note of what thoughts pop into your head. This practice will allow you to begin noticing your thoughts instead of brushing them off.


Now, I encourage you to implement this on a daily, hourly, minute by minute basis. Start taking note of your thoughts - this will become the foundation of our journey. 

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